How I Clean My Make Up Brushes

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Cleaning my make up brushes is definitely one of those mundane tasks that i have to carry out. When applying make up especially foundation to your skin you are gathering old dead skin cells and bacteria from the surface of your skin, once foundation is applied, leaving your brush to sit in it's holder lets that bacteria gathered to fester within the brush. (Gross right ?) Until next time you use it. The next time the same thing happens, expect the amount of bacteria will have only grown ! (double gross!!!) Now all of the bacteria is being lathered onto your skin, which i assure you will only cause you to break out in spots. Spot cleaning just isn't going to cut it ! One spritz isn't enough to destroy that nasty bacteria invading the bristles of your favourite brush!

SO, Heres my step by step to super clean bacteria free brushes.
Simple things you will need
- x 1 Block Soap.
- x 2  Hand towels.
- x 1 Sink near by.


1. Lay out all the brushes onto a hand towel.
2. Run the tap using warm water, wet your brush.
3 Using circular motions,  swirl your brush a few times on the block of soap. (Make sure to not gather too much soap)
4. Using the same circular motion swirl the soapy brush around your hand running it under the running tap a few times.
5. Squeezing the bristles of the brush firmly to remove soap and the left over product out.
6. Now rinse the brush using the swirl motion on your hand, making sure you move the brush in and out of the water making sure all remains of soap and bacteria have been removed.
7. Now place the brush on a clean hand towel laying flat to dry.
(Never blow dry your brushes as the heat can ruin the bristles and cause them to fall out, and we don't want to ruin our brushes now do we)
8. Continue this process with all brushes until finished.
9. Making sure all brushes aren't soaking wet. Lay them out on the clean hand towel leave to dry somewhere with a fresh breeze so the dry faster. (usually left over night)

Tip : I like to 'spritz' clean my brushes between uses, I use a alcohol spray and swirl on my hand. To reduce the amount of bacteria.

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